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Do I need an account to place an order?
No, all you need is an email address to place and track orders. For a faster checkout, access to your wishlist, and order updates, we recommend setting up a Zeemiez account.
I've forgotten my password, what should I do?
Follow the "Forgot your password" link on our Sign In page and enter your email address. You’ll receive an email to reset your password.
How do I receive Zeemiez email updates?
Stay informed of new arrivals, trends, and exclusive promotions by entering your email address at the bottom of our homepage. You can manage your email preferences in your account.
Can I cancel my Zeemiez order or make changes to it?
Yes, you may be able to cancel some items before we prepare your order. Head to Orders & Returns, or if you placed an order as a guest and want to make changes, enter your guest order details here.
You can't add items to an existing order, but you can place a new order for any additional pieces. For more information, view our Orders & Deliveries page.